PennSEM Business Case Competition FAQ

What is my team expected to do?

Preliminary Round: Your team will have two weeks to develop a solution to a given business problem. You will present your solution in a slide deck of no more than 10 pages.

Semi-Final Round: Your team will record a video presentation, lasting no longer than 10 minutes, and submit it along with a slide deck.

Final Round: Your team will present live on Zoom to a panel of judges.

Evaluation Criteria: In each round, your team will be evaluated on your understanding of the problem, analysis, solution, implementation plan, financial analysis, and presentation.

How do I prepare for the competition?

A mock case will be posted for your team to practice with before the actual competition. You can access it through the AlgoEd portal.

When is the registration deadline?

Priority deadline: Jun 15, 2024

Regular deadline: Jul 15, 2024

Late deadline: Aug 22, 2024

What is the difference between different deadlines?

The registration fee is different for different deadlines:

Priority deadline: US$55 per student

Regular deadline: US$65 per student

Late deadline: US$85 per student

If my team proceeds to the semi-final round, will we be working on the same case?

No, your team will work on a new case in the semi-final round. The case for the semi-final and final rounds will be the same.

I’m currently in 8th grade and will be going into 9th grade after the summer. Should I join the middle school or high school group?

Since you will be in 9th grade by the time the competition takes place, you should join the high school group.

I want to join the competition but I can’t find a teammate in my own school. Can I have a teammate from another school?

If you can't find a teammate at your school, please email us at If there are teams from your school, we will connect you with them.

I want to join the competition but I’m going to another school in 9th grade and don’t know anyone there. What can I do?

You can join with teammates from your current school, or let us know, and if there are teams from your new school, we will connect you with them.

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